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New Masculinity Retreat Ibiza 2024
Leadership for Peace
June 28. - 3. July 2024

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Retreat for Men - Ibiza Men's Group

Ibiza Retreat for Men 2024:

Leadership for Peace


One core theme for 2024 will be "Leadership for Peace: Nurturing Peace and Compassion in a Turbulent World"

An essence of the New Masculinity is that we foster peace, compassion and harmony in our sphere of influence. We will explore the responsibility we have as leaders for peace in our relationships with partners, children, colleagues, teams, companies, customers and even those we might perceive as adversaries. Join us in creating a world where true leadership transforms conflict and helps overcome separation.

Welcome to our retreat for men on the island of Ibiza where we will meet from June 28. - 3. July 2024 to relax, connect and grow together as brothers and men.


A 6-day men's group and retreat for men on healthy, conscious and balanced masculinity, empowering power, vulnerability, connection, brotherhood, courage and much more.

Our plan for these 6 days is to ...

  • explore the role of masculine leadership in fostering peace and resolving conflicts

  • inquire into the question of healthy relationships

  • heal and honor ancestor - father - son relationships

  • become more powerful by owning our shadows

  • remember the power of vulnerability

  • redefine masculinity as an ever-unfolding journey

  • discover our authentic self beyond male stereotypes

  • experience true brotherhood and connection

  • reconnect with nature and the heartbeat of the earth

  • experience the transformative power of shamanic rituals


Plans will change as we co-create this retreat!

Impressions Ibiza Retreat for Men 2023

Testimonials Ibiza Retreat for Men 2022

First step - Try a Free Online Course

New Masculinity

As men, we have been conditioned to hide our feelings, suppress our true selves, and fit into outdated stereotypical gender roles. But with the arrival of a new masculinity, we can celebrate our uniqueness and let our true selves shine. Our male qualities should be something to be proud of, not something to be ashamed of. Embracing our divine masculinity means accepting ourselves for who we are and not holding back. It means stepping into our greatness and living life on our own terms.


True Power Comes from Within

We are not responsible for the sins of our fathers, but we are responsible for the present moment and our choices. True power does not come from outside, from success or recognition, but from within. When we act with integrity, take responsibility for our actions, own our shadows, and embrace our negativity we truly become more powerful. Then our light can transform the shadows - both the inner and the outer, those of the present and those of the past.


True brotherhood unites our hearts

Our brotherhood is the foundation of our journey. It takes courage to share our fears and insecurities, but that vulnerability is what allows us to connect with one another. Male power is found in the courage to embrace our vulnerability and compassion, not in seeking control over others.


Back to Our Roots

For millennia, men have come together in ancient rituals in the forest, in caves and in the mountains to support each other in their search for truth and direction. Ibiza, with its pristine nature, magic sunsets, hidden caves, and secret forest trails, is the perfect place for men with a thirst for adventure. Honouring our ancestors and re-connecting with nature, we can find our way back to our roots and the heartbeat of the earth. The breath-taking beauty of nature becomes a mirror for our souls.


Spiritual retreats for men ibiza 2024

When we rediscover our divine masculinity and embrace our vulnerability, we become powerful agents of change, bringing more harmony to our communities and relationships. Masculinity is not a static set of character traits, but an ever-unfolding journey.

New Masculinity Channel

New Masculinity Channel
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New Masculinity Retreat | Men's Group | Ecstatic Dance
New Masculinity Retreat | Men's Group | Father & son ritual
New Masculinity Retreat | Men's Group | Ibiza Beach Ritual
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